Friday, April 22, 2022

Technology Meets Goldilocks

 This semester has been full of relevant information and content to strengthen and support school librarians in the realm of technology. We've covered everything from digital literacy to student-produced news programs. A common theme which has run throughout the semester is my biggest takeaway:

School librarians must be willing to research, review, and explore in order to make decisions about technology and how it will impact their libraries, students, and staff. We need to work hard to get things just right!

gif of a computer screen scrolling through informaiton

Whether it was looking at games to help students understand fake news, reviewing materials related to cyberbullying, or building out a school library website, I immediately became aware of how technology for the school library, just like technology for the classroom, is in no way a one-size-fits-all situation. Rather, school librarians should be willing to do the work to find technology and resources which are just right for their situations. Essentially, we should be working towards "Goldilocks" solutions.

I'm really excited about all new resources, research, and tools I've been exposed to this semester. The best thing about all of these is how I will be able to begin using many of them right away as I transition into the role of school librarian. This class has given me valuable tools and skills, and I'm excited to employ them. Cheers to everyone else, and good luck as you continue your school library journeys!

Liz Lemon from 30 Rock high-fiving herself and saying "high five to you"

Librarian Interview: Dubose Middle School

 I was able to reach out to another middle school librarian in my district to interview about the Engage competency and how she uses her lib...