Thursday, January 13, 2022

Welcome to Checking Out Tech!

Over the course of this semester I will be using this blog to explore and elaborate on ways in which technology is being used and implemented in a school library setting. Check back soon for my first post!

Gif of Hello and Welcome in multiple colors

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT title! I love the Vanilla Ice allusion! I think it is also so true when it comes to educators; teachers and teacher librarians to stop and listen to each other when they work to collaborate with each other. My article, "Engaging Adolescent Literacies with the Standards", also touches on this in that many times the school librarian's impact on literacy is often overlooked.

    I love your visuals, and also included a link for the "crosswalk" between the AASL and ISTE standards. Thank you for such an informative and creative blog.


Librarian Interview: Dubose Middle School

 I was able to reach out to another middle school librarian in my district to interview about the Engage competency and how she uses her lib...